道 德 經 Tao Te Ching : XIV 視之不見 、名曰夷 。聽之不聞 、名曰希 。搏之不得 、名曰微 。 道其上不皦 、其下不昧 。繩繩不可名 、復歸於無物 。 是謂無狀之狀 、無物之象 、是謂惚恍 。 迎之不見其首 、隨之不見其後 。 Look at it, it cannot be seen; It is called invisible. Listen to it, it cannot be heard; It is called inaudible. Reach for it, it cannot be held; It is called intangible. Above, it is not bright; Below, it is not dark. Continuing endlessly, it cannot be named. It returns back into nothingness. Thus, it is called the form of the formless; The image of the imageless; This is called enigmatic. Confront it, its front cannot be seen; Follow it, its back cannot be seen.